The painting «On Her Own» received
the «Excellent Award» on the 13th
Dynamic Contemporary Artist Exhibition

April, 2024

In April 2024, the 13th Dynamic Contemporary Artist Exhibition took place at the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum. The painting «On Her Own» (70×70 cm, charcoal, acrylic on canvas, 2023) received the «Excellent Award.»

Born in a place where Europe and Asia meet, I could not avoid involvement in the issues of East-West dichotomy. Raised in accordance with Western traditions and values, I have always sought inspiration in the East, exploring the history and traditions of Japanese medieval visual art. To immerse myself in the culture and find new inspiration for my future artworks, I came to Japan. Regardless of the chosen country, the period of adaptation is always a crisis for each person. Reflecting on the processes happening within me and observing people around me, I realized there is a problem of a lack of emotional support and interaction, which is common for newcomers and locals, Westerners and Easterners.
